A Musing by Luke Cowling.
Side projects are really a problem. It's altism, but in the form of an author, I believe. You commit to a project, and you start to bring it to life, but then an idea that doesn't fit within that project comes along, and you end up with a side-side project. The problem with side projects is that they quickly become main projects, and the problem with side-side projects, is that they quickly become main projects too.
The problem with both of these things, is that the make main projects into formerly-main projects, and the result is that nothing really gets released. I think that's where I am at. I thought about wrapping up Remnants of Magic in three books, then it quickly became four. I wanted to start writing it after a break from writing after finishing the first book, but side projects happened.Now, side projects to those side projects have taken over. Eventually it'll all be finished, I just hope I'm not too old to reflect on them all in happiness, before they're all done.
Martin gets a bad wrap for this, considering there is so much demand for his main project, but I get it. Just because the sides may not interest your audience, doesn't mean they don't interest the author. It's best not to name them, as they may or not meet the light of day, but, that's where we are.
I'm writing a blog post, instead of finishing the main, side-side project.
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