An Insight by Luke Cowling.
I’d say I’ve tried to make the book more accessible. Whilst Owenoak’s writing style and content were targeted at very young readers, the sequel has evolved to a point where that may be true, but it will not be droll to older audiences also.
I am not trying to seem arrogant, the work simply is what it is, and I am proud of its accessibility. Readers can look forward to a deep and rich lore, adult themes and situations, but not so dark that the lovers of its predecessor will be isolated.
I am excited to prove this too. As the Amazon copyright, and the cover artists copyright, come in to completion, then I can share snippets of the story that elaborate what I’m speaking on, and images of the artwork that show this evolution also.
The crux of the story here is that I am excited. I consider this upcoming book my master-work.
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